Eastbourne, 1987. Infamous club owner / compere Syd and his long-suffering singer/entertainer wife Sylvia, have been performing the same old routines at their Working Men's club for 15 years. However, after taking up an evening class in Women's Studies, Sylvia has been taking liberties with some of the material, much to the disapproval of her abusive husband... Bastardised karaoke lyrics, cheesy keyboard playing and bad jokes sit alongside harrowing anecdotes of misogyny and sexual assault in this one-woman show about control, expectation and the crap that women face every day. Part drag cabaret, part-live art, Syd and Sylvia is an experiment in communication; in the difference that it makes when something is expressed in a ?male' voice as opposed to a female one. It plays with the idea that society treats male anger as ?to-be-taken-seriously' but female anger as a joke or so-called hysteria.
Claudia Jefferies