This series of vignettes transports viewers to the literary world of the Siberian-born writer and filmmaker who was renowned for depicting ordinary people as flawed but heroic. Filled with earthy, human and love-struck characters navigating their way through life in the Soviet Union of the 1970s, the show sees an eight-strong ensemble act, sing, clown and dance as they take on multiple roles with tenderness and wit. Performed in Russian with English surtitles.
Evgeny Mironov,
Chulpan Khamatova,
Yulia Peresild,
Alexander Novin,
Pavel Akimkin,
Julia Svezhakova,
Alexander Grishin,
Dmitry ZhuravlevCreatives/Company
Theatre of NationsDirector:
Alvis |HermanisDesign(s):
Alvis Hermanis,
Monica PormaleCostume:
Viktoria Sevryukova