No writer, with the exception of Shakespeare, stands higher in public esteem and affection than Jane Austen. This celebration is for those who have always loved her, and for those who would like to know more about the enigmatic figure behind the popular image of bonnets, tea and gentility. Jane Austen continues to fascinate because she reveals human nature with all its delicious quirks and foibles. From the rumbustious delights of her juvenile works to the extraordinary vitality in her last and uncompleted novel, Sanditon, this production takes the audience on a colourful and revealing journey through the life and works of this most paradoxical and bewitching author. This celebration of our most famous local author moves from the rumbustious delights of her juvenile works to the extraordinary explosion of vitality in her last and uncompleted novel Sanditon, revealing the enigmatic and shadowy figure behind the popular image.
Robert Powell,
Elizabeth Garvie,
Christine Croshaw (piano),
Clive Conway (flute)
Clive Conway Celebrity Productions Ltd