99...100 combines music, movement, performance, photography, video, art and design in a large-scale theatre event that explores and celebrates the stories of Fife. Taking place at Silverburn Park, Leven, Fife, from 19th - 27th November 2010, 99...100 is the culmination of a nine month community and education project across Fife. Led by a creative team from the National Theatre of Scotland and created with thousands of people from Fife, 99...100 is co-produced with Arts and Theatres Trust Fife, sponsored by ScottishPower and presented as part of Celebrating Fife 2010, with funding support from Fife Council, the Russell Trust and the Scottish Government. Set in the tranquil parkland of Silverburn Park in Leven, Fife, this magical winter event will lead audiences on a journey through Fife's forgotten stories, true tales and local legends. The grounds of Silverburn Park will spring to life with interactive installations and the formerly derelict Silverburn House will be transformed with a truly original exhibition. A specially-constructed marquee plays host to the 99...100 performance - an uplifting theatrical production inspired by 99 to 100 stories collected from the people of Fife.
Producer(s): National Theatre of Scotland and Arts, Theatres Trust Fife