It tells the story of Dummling and his one true love Dajona, the princess who will not laugh, of her sister Birgit, and her one true love Boris and his mother Christina and her one true love Conrad - the King. Follow the farcical adventures of these two ill-matched families as they struggle with forests, faeries, and unbelievable good fortune in a magical tale about luck, love and a beautiful, mysterious Golden Goose.
Paul Stocker (Dummling),
Andrew Grose (Boris),
William Finkenrath (King Conrad),
Stephen Finegold (The Fairy King),
Rebecca Smart (Christina),
Rebecca Hulbert (The Fairy Queen),
Eleanor Howell (Dajona),
Annie Rowe (Brigit)
Library Theatre ManchesterAdapted by:
Charles WayDirector:
Charles Way