Cinderella and Other Tales commemorates the 300th anniversary of French writer and raconteur Charles Perrault, by bringing to life four of the best known characters in children's literature -
Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots and of course
Cinderella herself. But, as you would expect from Kazzum's unique theatrical wizardry there are a few tricks up Director Peter Glanville's sleeve and audiences can expect a few surprises. From the moment you enter the theatre and meet Sleeping Beauty supping a cappuccino whilst Cinders scrubs the foyer clean, you will be transported to a theatrical playground where the bizarre meets the familiar. Your host for this fantastical journey is the author Charles Perrault himself who will guide you through some of his best stories.
Thierry-James Lawson (Charles Perrault),
Liza Zapol (Cinderella),
Lucy Christy (Little Red Riding Hood),
Caroline Partridge (Sleeping Beauty),
David Garrad (Puss in Boots)
Charles Perrault,
Sian JonesProducer(s):
The BullDirector:
Peter Glanville