A story of two women: Fatma, an activist imprisoned for manslaughter and Sama, an ambitious documentary filmmaker, that unfolds over one day. They share their memories, experiences and secrets - moving from distrust to curiosity and solidarity and finally friendship.
Dima Orsho,
Carla Nahadi Babelegoto,
Hyelim Kim,
Milos Milivojevic,
Raphaela DanksagmüllerCreatives/Company
Bushra El-TurkLyrics:
Stacy HardyCompany:
Royal OperaDirector:
Laila SolimanLighting:
Loes SchakenbosCostume:
Eli VerkeynDesign(s):
Bissane Al Charif,
Julia KonigOther:
Aida Elkashef (documentary audio fragments)