Inspired by a true story, as depicted in the 2005 film Joyeux No?l, Silent Night tells the story of the 1914 Christmas truce, when peace spontaneously broke out between French, German and Scottish troops in the trenches during the First World War. British Premiere. Sung in English, German and French with English titles
Rupert Charlesworth (Nikolaus Sprink),
Maire Flavin (Anna Sorensen),
Richard Burkhard (Lieutenant Horstmayer),
Alexander Banfield (Jonathan Dale),
Christopher Nairne (William Dale),
Adrian Clarke (Father Palmer),
Timothy Nelson (Lieutenant Gordon),
Quirijn de Lang (Lieutenant Audebert),
Geoffrey Dolton (Ponchel),
Stephen Richardson (The General)
Kevin PutsLyrics:
Mark CampbellCompany:
Opera NorthConductor:
Nicholas KokDirector:
Tim AlberyDesign:
Hannah ClarkCostume:
Hannah Clark