The story is a tragic one: forced into marrying the son of the blind Barbarian King Archibaldo, young Fiora continues an affair with her lover Avito right under the nose of her obsessive father in law, which leads to tragic consequences. Musically the opera draws us into a luscious soundscape of which Puccini would have been proud. It is a thrilling score - epic, sweeping, imaginative and rich. Sung in Italian with English surtitles.
Amanda Echalaz (Fiora),
Julian Gavin (Avito),
Olafur Sigurdarson (Manfredo),
Mikhail Svetlov (Archibaldo),
Aled Hall (Flaminio),
Samantha Houston (A Handmaiden),
Lisa Crosato (A Young Woman),
Dominic Peckham (A Youth),
Mary Burman (An Old Woman),
Helen Winter (An Offstage voice)
Italo MontemezziLyrics:
Sem BenelliCorporate Sponsor:
Opera Holland Park FriendsCompany(s):
Ferry Opera,
City of London Sinfonia,
Opera Holland Park ChorusConductor:
Peter RobinsonDirector:
Martin Lloyd-EvansDesign:
Jamie Vartan