The Astonishing Times of Timothy Cratchit tells the tale of a young man who sets out to find his place in an expanding and volatile world. Inspired by the characters of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, the story follows the plight of young Tim from the home of his benefactor, Ebenezer Scrooge, to the theatrical madness of the great comic, Giuseppe Grimaldi.
Ryan Kopel (Timothy Cratchit),
Paul Greenwood (Scrooge),
Michael Matus (Grimaldi),
Helen Pearson (Mrs Linden / Miss Pool),
Sammy Graham (Lucy),
Trevor Whittaker (Quilp),
Hannah Brown (Momo / Miss Tulips),
Sadie-Jean Shirley (Aria),
Dimitri Gripari,
Tadek Chmiel,
Tom SterlingCreatives/Company
Andre CatriniLyrics:
Andre CatriniBook by:
Allan KneeProducer(s):
Aria Entertainment,
Hope Mill TheatreDirector:
Johnathan O'Boyle