The show is set in 1937 when Comrade Stalin wants a hit musical written of his life, and sends for the glamorous West End director Valentine St. Clair. A flop means a one-way ticket to Siberia, so Valentine turns to the likes of comrades Rodgers and Hammerstein, George Gershwin and Cole Porter for inspiration, and dreams up comrades Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Lloyd Webber, yodelling nuns, falling chandeliers, collapsible barricades... in fact anything that might guarantee a hit show and his ticket home. The musical is based on real events and is for anyone who has ever loved or loathed what makes a hit show. Try-out.
Sarah Pearman,
Nigel Richards,
Peter Walsh,
Bill Ward,
Alexander S Bermange (piano)
Phil WillmottMusic:
Alexander S Bermange