Spanning 40 pivotal years in American history, this epic musical follows the lives and loves of three generations aboard a show boat as it plies the Mississippi River. One of the most romantic musicals of all time, this lavish new production is directed by Daniel Evans and features classics of musical theatre including 'Make Believe', 'Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man', and the landmark 'Ol' Man River'. June 15th - Gala Performance attended by HRH the Duke of Kent. The performance will help raise funds to support the work of NRAS which, since its launch in 2001, has become established as the campaigning voice for the 400,000 people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in the UK; and the Young Artists Performance Fund of the Park Lane Group, which provides support to creative and interpretive artists near the beginnings of their careers.
Rebecca Thornhill (Julie),
John Owen-Jones (Gaylord Ravenal),
Jenny Galloway (Parthy Ann Hawkes),
David Burt (Captain Andy),
Mark Coles (Joe)
Jerome KernLyrics:
Oscar Hammerstein IIBook by:
Edna FerberProducer(s):
Royal Albert Hall,
Raymond GubbayDirector(s):
Francesca Zambello,
David Charles Abell (music)
Peter J DavisonCostume:
Sue WillmingtonChoreographer:
Arthur PitalLighting:
Andrew BridgeSound:
Bobby Aitken