Set in 1910, Rags follows the story of Rebecca, a young Russian immigrant mother, arriving in America with her son, David, and forced to work in a sweatshop to survive while she endeavours to find her husband. The joy of finding him, however, soon turns to anguish when she discovers that he has rejected much of his ethnic culture, in an attempt to assimilate with American society. Concert Version. A charity gala in aid of the charity CENTREPOINT, the UK's leading charity for homeless young people.
Caroline Sheen (Rebecca),
Tim Rogers (Saul),
Matt Zimmerman (Avram),
Leila Benn Harris (Bella),
James Yeoburn (Ben),
Jenny Logan (Rachel),
Sebastian Croft (David),
Graham MacDuff (Nathan),
Amelia Adams-Pearce,
Ben Stock,
Marc Joseph,
Danny WhiteheadCreatives/Company
Charles StrouseLyrics:
Stephen SchwartzBook by:
Joseph SteiProducer(s):
Aria Entertainment,
Knockhardy Productions