Based on the best-selling Japanese manga series of the same name by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, Death Note tells the story of Light Yagami, a bright but dissatisfied student in Tokyo. When he comes across a discarded notebook owned by Ryuk, a mythological god of death, he discovers that he can kill anyone by just writing their names in the supernatural notebook. So Light decides to take justice into his own hands by filling the notebook with names of the nation's most wanted criminals, but unbeknownst to Light, a detective only known as L is tracking him down.
Aimee Atkinson (god of death)),
Rachel Clare Chan (Sayu - Light's Little Sister),
Christian Ray Marbella (Soichiro),
Adam Pascal (god of death)),
Felipe Bejarano,
Charlotte Coggin,
Jade Copas,
Eu Jin Hwang,
Yojiro Ichikawa,
Deena Kapadia,
David Kar-Hing Lee,
Nick Len,
Jasmine Leung,
Jojo Meredith,
Marcel Li-Ping,
Janine SomcioCreatives/Company
Frank WildhornLyrics:
Jack MurphyBook by:
Ivan MenchellProducer(s):
Carter Dixon McGill Productions,
Indie TheatricalDirector(s):
Nick Winston,
Alex Sarmiento (associate director)
Nick Winston,
Alex SarmientoCostume:
Kimie NakanoMusical Director:
Chris MaDesign:
Justin WilliamsLighting:
Ben CracknellSound:
Ben Harrison