Becket - The Kiss of Peace tells the story of the conflict between Becket and King Henry II which resulted in the slaying of the Archbishop of Canterbury by four knights in an attempt to please their King. It is also the story, not often told, of Henry II s repentance at the news of the murder of his former friend. David Reeves says, - Becket -The Kiss of Peace symbolises the bonding between us all as human beings. Becket believed in love and allegiance which he expressed in his unswerving duty to Christianity. That same love is now interpreted more widely and encompasses many, and all, beliefs. In aid of The Prince's Trust. The performance will be staged on the central steps of the Cathedral, a short distance from the actual site of Thomas Becket's murder in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. The performance will also include choristers from Canterbury Cathedral, the English Chamber Singers and the English Festival Orchestra.
Becket - The Kiss of Peace website.
James Bowman (tenor),
David Wilson-Johnson (bass baritone)
David ReevesConductor:
Martin Neary