This exhilarating Broadway musical follows the irrepressible imagination and dreams of Phineas T Barnum, America's Greatest Showman. The story of his life and his marriage to Chairy reveals a couple who looked at the world from opposite sides of the spectrum, and also reveals that she was the practical one who made his dreams come true. We follow the legendary showman's life as he lit up the world with the colour, warmth and excitement of his imagination and finally teamed up with J A Bailey to create Barnum and Bailey's Circus - the Greatest Show on Earth.
Christopher Fitzgerald (Barnum),
Tamsin Carroll,
Aretha Ayeh,
Anna O'Byrne,
Jack North,
Rachael Archer,
Jacquie Biggs,
Nick Butcher,
Sophie Camble,
Jon-Scott Clark,
Leon Cooke,
Stefan Dermendjiev,
Faith-Louise Francis,
Chris Gage,
AC Garcia,
Trina Hill,
Jack Horner,
Erin Jameson,
Jasmine Kerr,
Mitch Leow,
James O'Connell,
Michaela O'Connor,
Max Parker,
Tom Scanlon,
Lucie-Mae Summer,
Robert TregoningCreatives/Company
Cy Coleman,
William David Brohn (orchestrations),
Stephen Brooker (musical supervisor)
Michael StewartBook by:
Mark BrambleCorporate Sponsor(s):
Henry Adams,
Oval Insurance Broker,
Chichester Festival TheatreDirector(s):
Timothy Sheader,
Liam Steel,
Trevor Jackson (casting),
James Orange (casting)
Liam Steel,
Andrew WrightDesign:
Scott PaskCostume:
Paul WillsMusical Director:
Adam RoweLighting:
Paule ConstableSound:
Mick PotterOther:
Vicki Amedume (circus consultant)