The magical tale of Rapunzel, protected from the world by her guardian, a witch, and kept in a tall tower on the edge of a forest. One day her prince discovers her and changes her life...Wonderful puppetry, exuberant storytelling, beautiful masks and a few secret ingredients combine to bring this adventure to life. A desperate father whispers gently to his baby daughter ‘I will never forget you, I love you’ and leaves her under a rapunzel plant...BAC celebrates its 25th birthday with this festive collaboration with acclaimed theatre company Kneehigh. Together they tell the heartwarming tale of a fun and feisty heroine using puppetry, music and image. Experience fairy tale gold with this sumptuous event for wide eyed adults and brave children -that confirms things can really change for the better! Suitable for ages 7 and up.
Producer: BAC
Company: Kneehigh Theatre
Author: Annie Siddons