The magical tale of Rapunzel, protected from the world by her guardian, a witch, and kept in a tall tower on the edge of a forest. One day her prince discovers her and changes her life...Wonderful puppetry, exuberant storytelling, beautiful masks and a few secret ingredients combine to bring this adventure to life. A witty, tongue-in-cheek retelling of a perennial favourite. Featuring a possessive mother who happens to be a witch, a tentative young man who happens to be a prince and a strong-willed but naive young girl with the longest hair you're ever likely to come across! Alone with nothing but her hair and her witch (literally) of a mother, Rapunzel dreams of seeing the outside world - when a young prince and his trusty valet come across her tower. But before the Rapunzel & her Prince can have their happy-ever-after, they're going to have to face the witch's wrath and some hilarious obstacles in this unique fairy tale!
Company: Immersion Theatre
Book by(s): David Crane, Marta Kauffman
Lyrics(s): David Crane, Marta Kauffman
Music: Michael Skloff