5:30 - Rob wants to be Tim's friend. He doesn't care how Tim feels about this. Despite having to resort to vicious insults, intimidation and aggressive force, Rob is sure they'll be best friends forever. Recommended for ages 15 and over. Lub You - ‘I am in the bath with the baby that is called Bo-Bo. I am doing a wee-wee on Bo-Bo's tummy. Mummy says No Charlie. I don't like Mummy. Daddy doesn't like her too.' Seen through Charlie's eyes, using music and physical theatre, Lub You explores the drama of being a child. Recommended for ages 12 and over. As We Forgive Them - America, November 2008: the new President is elected amidst an 'audacity of hope'. For newly elected Democrat Congressman, John Daniels, this should be a time of celebration. Instead he must decide the fate of his daughter's murderer: should he exact revenge or grant redemption ....or both? Recommended for ages 15 and over
Author(s): Alistair McDowall (5:30), Eve Steele (Lub You), Richard Vergette (As We Forgive Them)
Director(s): Clive Judd (5:30), Ed Jones (Lub You), Andrew Pearson (As We Forgive Them)