Aletta Collins has created a solo entitled
Lap Dancer for dancer Rachel Krische, which is a dialogue between Rachel and her laptop. The piece features music by Peter Morris and Mieko Shimizu at Street Furniture. Simon Ellis presents
Gertrud, an imagined conversation between choreographer Gertrud Bodenwieser (who died in 1959) and Simon, a solo performer. The piece challenges today's culture of forgetting by bringing a personality from the past, voiced by Shona Dunlop-MacTavish, who danced with Bodenwieser in the 1930s and 40s, to vivid life. To read Simon's blogs about his process and progress on Gertrud, click here. Adam Linder's
Foie Gras is based around the circumstances fueling the current climate of mass material and entertainment consumption, where the connection between one’s self and society is increasingly tenuous. Adam performs with Lorena Randi. In Anna Williams's
Clearing, two women meet in a place to dance a duet. They pull, stab, grasp, push, flail and catch. And one of them keeps disappearing. This duet is made with and danced by Petra Soor and Hannah Shepherd, and with lighting design by Sarah Gilmartin. Dam Van Huynh's
Collision is a piece for three dancers with choreography that examines the complexity of the torso by dividing and clearly defining the independent movement capability. It is performed by Van Huynh and his fellow Phoenix Dance Theatre dancers Franklyn Lee and David Mack.
Rachel Krische (Lap Dancer),
Shona Dunlop-MarcTavish (Gertrud - voice),
Lorena Randi (Foie Gras),
Petra Soor (Clearing),
Hannah Shepherd (Clearing),
Franklyn Lee (Collision),
David Mack (Collision)
Aletta Collins (Lap Dancer),
Simon Ellis (Gertrud),
Adam Linder (Foie Gras),
Anna Williams (Clearing),
Dam Van Huynh (Collision)
Peter Morris (Lap Dancer),
Mieko Shimizu (Lap Dancer)
Sarah Gilmartin (Clearing)