This magical and darkly enchanting new version of the ultimate Yuletide tale weaves together story, dance and music to cast a festive spell in intimate surroundings. Toys come to life, evil mice declare battle and what adult or child can resist a sleigh ride to the land of sweets? Performed by two Ballet Central dancers, and two actors (Hannah Lee, and Jimmy Whiteaker) to a brand new reimagining of Tchaikovsky's classic score by Jez Butler. And with costumes from Gerald Scarfe in the mix, there could be a few surprises in this particular store...!
Hannah Lee,
Jimmy WhiteakerCreatives/Company
Toby HulseChoreographer(s):
Sara Matthews,
Christopher MarneyProducer:
The Theatre Orchard (in association with Ballet Central)
Tchaikovsky (re-imagined by Jez Butler)
Gerald Scarfe