In this heartbreaking story, two sisters - Aisha and Abhaya - are refugees who have fled their homes and find themselves in a new world. The ballet explores their struggle to survive having been separated from their family. Aisha and Abhaya is a modern fairytale that combines visually stunning film with striking choreography, performed by Rambert, Britain's foremost contemporary dance company. A feast for the senses with beautifully lavish costumes, this new creation by director Kibwe Tavares brings together the work of choreographer Sharon Eyal and music by rising star GAIKA.
Music(s): GAIKA, Ori Lichtik
Producer(s): Royal Ballet, Rambert (in association with BBC films)
Director: Kibwe Tavares
Choreographer(s): Sharon Eyal, Gai Behar
Costume: Uldus Bakhtiozina
Other(s): Uldus Bakhtiozina (style supervisor), Factory Fifteen (visual effects)
Design: Gillian Tan (projection designer)