Known for its expertise in Renaissance music The Cardinall's Musick has established under Andrew Carwood's direction an enviable reputation for recreating the sounds of the past in a way that makes them live in the present.
Victoria (Ave Maria),
Byrd (Propers for Lady Mass in Advent: Rorate coeli; Tollite portas; Ave Maria; Ecce concipies),
Morley (O amica mea),
Guerrero (Virgo prudentissima),
Tye (Ad te clamamus),
Praetorius (Magnificat quarti toni),
Farnaby (Witness ye heavens),
Byrd (La virginella),
Lassus (Susanna fair),
Simon Whalley (Four Skelton Madrigals - UK premiere),
Vautor (Mother I will have a husband),
Marenzio (I song sometime I song),
East (Quick quick away dispatch!),
Jones (Are lovers full of fire?)