Part of the BBC Proms. Join Viktoria Mullova, Matthew Barley and friends in a colourful Late Night entertainment of contrasted styles and unexpected player combinations. The worlds of the Gypsy and of jazz are represented alongside a Hungarian classic but the programme is also making a statement about Viktoria herself, says Matthew - 'how she relates to the world, and more importantly to the music she loves and plays. She loves simplicity, and emotional directness and power, as well as virtuosity that comes from the heart and for the heart (as opposed to showing off).' The pair hope that 'this binding factor will prove more important than any definition of genre. Music is music.' There will be no interval. Finish time: approx. 23:30
Viktoria Mullova (violin),
Matthew Barley (cello),
Julian Joseph (piano),
Paul Clarvis (percussion),
Sam Walton (percussion)