Royal Northern College of MusicMusic(s):
Schoenberg (Six Little Piano Pieces op 19 - Simon Lane),
Schoenberg (Piano Pieces op 33a and op 33b - Adam Swayne),
Webern (Kinderstuck and Klavierstuck - Nadine Andre),
Webern (Variations op 27 - Ben Powell),
Webern (Kinderstuck and Klavierstuck - Nadine Andre),
Schoenberg (Suite Op 25 - Tom Scott),
Schoenberg (Three Piano Pieces op 11 - Yan Lim),
Berg (Sonata op 1 - Jia Hwei Koh),
Schoenberg (Variations on a Recitative op 40 - Kristian Anderson),
Schoenberg (Five Piano Pieces op 23),
Hauer (Zwolftonspiel)