Disney...ish will feature songs from lesser-known animated films like 'Thumbelina', 'The Swan Princess', and 'Quest for Camelot', and from production houses such as Disney, Don Bluth, and Dreamworks. It will feature a mixture of West End performers and new graduates, and is being produced by Bookend Productions, which was founded by Wicked actress Rebecca Gilliland earlier this year to give artists a chance to perform after the COVID-19 pandemic shut down theatres across the world.
Disney...ish website.
Michael Vinsen,
Amelia Atherton,
Rebecca Gilliland,
Lee Van Geleen,
Etisyai Philip,
Nikki Bentley,
Lydia Fraser,
Maria Coyne,
Christopher GoPaul,
Layna Sheppard,
Emmanuel Alba,
Ifan Jones,
Matt Bateman,
Scott Sutcliffe,
Lizzie Bea,
Kirsty Nunn,
Gregory George,
Dominic Brewer,
Andrew Walker,
Charlotte Vaughan,
Ruari Kelsey,
Duncan Burt,
Sinead Wall,
Samuel Haughton,
Jack Reitman,
Josh LeClairCreatives/Company
Bookend ProductionsMusical Director:
James Doughty