Beverley Davison's Storm is a dynamic new band whose powerful performances range from turbo-charged arrangements of classics by Vivaldi, Bach, Queen and The Beatles to their own original material. Beverley Davison is joined by Michael Haslam (keyboards), Alan Taylor (bass) and Robert Millet (percussion) in a combination of talent and showmanship that will simply blow you away!
Music(s): B Davison (Toccata), Vivaldi (Winter - Four Seasons), Bach, Vivaldi (Rompe et Viva), Brahms (Congarian Dance), Khachaturian (Sabre Dance), Chopin (Revolutionary), Beatles (Eleanor Rigby), Brahms (Monti Goulash), Kreisler (Praeludium), Queen (Champions), A Taylor (Danny Boy and Four Play), B Davison (Glencairn), Bach (Ascension)