Inspired by conversation with the audience, Stuck! tells the story of three strangers trapped by fate. Who they are and where they are is different every time. Three stories unfold. Sometimes joyous, sometimes tragic, always absurd...
Stuck! is a mix of long form narrative and short form scene work, following three characters on their stories, using fastpaced flashbacks and cutaways. A combination of high energy silliness with commitment and intelligence leads to an engaging tale that the audience will never forget but will also never see again. The entire show is tied together with an improvised score and songs. Previous shows have included the World Famous Rotating Chip Shop, the Overthrowing of Lord Instagram, and The Misdirected Mountain Love Song.
Conor Jatter,
Luke Spillane,
Tom Webster,
Dan AttfieldCreatives/Company
The RH ExperienceDirector:
Tom BaconLighting:
Tom Bacon