The List's top rated show of 2018, My Land, explores humanity's roots - the eternal inheritance of humankind and earth under the guidance of Artistic Director Bence Vagi. Seven of Ukraine's most talented circus artists present a vision of light and shadow fusing ancient tradition with mind-blowing skills. The show that defined a new genre called cirque danse pushes the boundaries of the human body. Performers rise up from a soil-covered set as they search for the sound of their own freedom in a timeless space expanded by illusions. A M
Choreographer(s): Bence Vagi, Timea Kinga Maday (assistant)
Design(s): Bence Vagi, Zsolt Tarnok (Earth Table Designer)
Music(s): Edna Mokus Szirtes, Gabor Terjek, Miklos Both (Folk Music Consultant)
Costume: Emese Kasza
Lighting(s): Attila Lanzser, Jozsef Peto
Sound: Gabor Terjek
Director: Aliz Schlecht (assistant)
Other: Krisztian Kristof (Circus Consultant)