James Thierree, born into the magical world of circus, acquired his astonishing talent from the age of four, touring with Le Cirque Imaginaire and Le Cirque Invisible. In January 2009 he won the Theatre Pleasure Prize, awarded by France's Playwright Guild. He has appeared in London five times: in 2007 with Au Revoir Parapluie; in 2004 and 2005 with La Veill?e des Abysses; and in 2001 and 2002 with The Junebug Symphony, a show which won four Moliere Awards, France's highest achievement in theatre award. Acrobat and clown, poet and magician - James Thiérrée creates a world of endless invention, which allows your imagination to soar. Acknowledged as one of today's greatest, and most creative, contemporary circus performers, James Thiérrée returns to London after the success of 2005's La Veillée des Abysses at the Peacock Theatre. James Thiérrée creates dazzling visual vignettes by taking everyday objects - a chair, rope or piano - and transforming them into something magical and dream-like, in a spectacle that captivates, charms and inspires. Performed by a highly skilled cast of acrobats, dancers and musicians, including Thiérrée himself, Au Revoir Parapluie promises to be another stunning physical performance which will dazzle with its spectacular theatrics.
Kaori Ito,
Magnus Jakobsson,
Satchie Noro,
Maria Sendow