This interactive theatrical extravaganza features Hilda, the ten-foot tall, faux-Bavarian powerhouse, who seduces the audience into enacting her adventure with her. She whips you along delightfully from a storybook Bavaria through an outlandish Eastern Europe to an apocalyptic booty-shaking Jerusalem. The show bursts with projections, masks, massive skirts, video marionettes, circus parachutes and puppets. You’ll drink, dance and do things you had only dreamt about! This 'absolutely gorgeous show' (The Dubliner*****) will bring out the naughty child in you and is heading to the pioneering, genre-defying and award-winning Latitude Festival for a warm up performance before bringing their promenade show underneath a skirt for one night to Jacksons Lane. Hilda will continue the dancing and frivolities well into the night when she leads a jaw-dropping procession of those die-hard audiences to continue partying at the Boogaloo opposite Jacksons Lane. (The ticket price includes free entry to the Boogaloo’s band night that evening.) The interactive nature of the show means audience capacity is limited. Hilda and company took the Edinburgh Fringe in 2008 by storm, gaining huge popularity and success. Nominated for ‘Experimentation and Innovation’ by the prestigious Total Theatre Awards, this interactive late night Slavic gypsy circus cabaret, gained five stars from numerous reviewers and had audiences desperate for more.
Anonymous Ensemble