"Tales of wonders, fairies and blunders, tales of flowers, castles and towers, tales of the beauty and the beast." Presenting a joyfully anarchic adaptation of this Christmas classic for the whole family to enjoy together. Introducing Monsieur Affable's Performing Players as they present the original French fairy tale of 'Beauty and the Beast', as performed by a beleaguered eighteenth century acting troupe - one of whom has gone missing, another of whom has delusions of grandeur, and all of whom are reading from a script that is in entirely the wrong order
Company: Creation Theatre
Director: Natasha Rickman
Book by: Paul Boyd
Music: Paul Boyd
Lyrics: Paul Boyd
Costume: Ryan Dawson Laight
Design: Ryan Dawson Laight
Lighting: Ashley Bale
Sound: Matt Eaton
Stage Manager: Judith Volk (deputy)