After an unexpected break-up and beaten down by comparison to her married little sister, Ama embarks on a frenzied journey to become a mother. Rollercoastering from a Black sperm donor shortage to a racialised healthcare system - and an overbearing family of her own - Ama's charging head-first into embarrassing conversations, awkward encounters and defiant decisions.
Michelle Asante,
Jordan Duvigneau,
Jahmila Heath,
Edward Kagutuzi,
Anita-Joy UwajehCreatives/Company
Jessica HaganProducer(s):
Nouveau Riche,
New Diorama,
Sarah Verghese (for Nouveau Riche)
Anastasia Osel-KuffourDesign(s):
TK Hay,
Adam Lenson (video),
Ania Levy (assistant)
Ben JacobsSound:
Khalil MadoviDramaturg:
Naomi ObengStage Manager:
Stacey NurseOther:
Supersad ( Production Manager for New Diorama Theatre)