Dolly the sheep, keyhole surgery, 'star wars', the human genome project, cancer research, GM foods, exploring the origins of the universe...In a world where scientists are often accused of 'playing God', how can we combine the volatile elements of scientific discovery, faith and moral responsibility? From accusations of heresey levelled at sixteenth-century astronomers, through the ongoing creation versus evolution debate, to the explosive possibilities of human cloning, the Church and the world of science have often been deeply opposed, unable to speak a common language. Could this constant suspicion ever be replaced by mutual respect? Can the wonder of scientific discovery be recaptured? Or have we been misled by the media into seeing all scientists as dangerous Frankensteins, creating ever more terrifying monsters with no thought to the consequences? Science Friction takes a dramatic, innovative look into this vast issue by turning the microscope on one extraordinary story...
Riding Lights Roughshod Theatre Company