A satirical comedy set in the world of Daytime TV. You've seen Esther, Vanessa, Oprah and Jerry Springer. Now meet Sylvie La Rae - The Queen of TV Talk Shows. Sitting pretty at the top of the ratings Sylvie's hit show 'TRUTH TALKS' seems invincible. But increased competition from new talk shows, revelations about her philandering husband and the unexpected arrival of a probing journalist put Sylvie's world in turmoil. Will Sylvie survive the onslaught or will she and her show be exposed as manipulative, exploitative and fraudulent ?
Sarah Shelton,
Tamara Ustinov (Sylvie La Rae),
Richard Hansell,
Tim Stewart,
Fen Rogers,
Rebecca EllaCreatives/Company
Simon WarneCompany:
OddKasst TheatreDirector:
Tristan BrollyDesign:
Steven Yull