An officer in Russia cannot bear to tell a woman, far away in Wales, that her husband has died. Instead, he writes her love letters pretending to be him. A woman in London awaits a letter that will never come while another skypes love messages to her boyfriend in Afghanistan. Elsewhere, a soldier addresses his last letter to his former teacher who refused to join the army. And a hundred years ago, a woman wants to send her touch to her husband, so she cuts off her hand and puts it in an envelope, and goes on a journey to the other side of the world to deliver it herself. Inspired by love letters written during war time across different cultures and languages,
One Last Thing (For Now) is a universal look at the words of love against the wounds of war and everything in between. .... War wounds never quite heal, war letters are never quite forgotten; both just get hidden away by old memories and dusty pieces of cloth, waiting to be found...
Lilac Yosiphon (with the Ensemble)
Althea Theatre