Miranda is doing the show for any other ex-public school, agoraphobic, over 6 foot women that might be out there. Or for anyone else who has been described as a cross between Margaret Beckett, Stephen Fry and Christie Turlington. Comedy is the only way to cope with such contradictory identities. Throbs! is a sketch show within a sketch show. A mix of character comedy monologues; stand-up; a take on theatre and comedy shows being put together; relationships between actors, directors and technicians; and celebrity status. Margaret Cabourn-Smith (Noble and Silver) plays the director and Anne-Marie Draycott (Sketch Club) plays the technician. From May, Miranda will be trying out new material within the show for this years Edinburgh Festival. She is going back to the Pleasance again with a totally solo show (first time solo) called Miranda Hart - Its All About Me. The July dates of this run will be previews of the new Edinburgh Festival show.