Set in 1942, this bittersweet tale of innocence, hatred and compassion explores a young boy's coming of age in a world turned upside down by the ravages of war. The play follows the antics of a childhood gang of boys - the Rat Wood Rats. In the shadow of the war, the gang explores both the familiar, as they scrump turnips and play spies, and the more sinister as they befriend a lonely evacuee, discover an Italian prisoner of war and become involved in a sinister plot that will prove life-changing for them all. The gang of four includes the autobiographical character of Jimmy, a recurring element in all of Barry Heath's plays.
Michael Brophy,
Stephen Finegold,
Nicholas Gallagher,
Andrew Greenough,
Joseph Traynor,
Clare Wilkie,
Mark WhiteleyCreatives/Company
Barry HeathDirector:
Paul JepsonDesign:
Christopher OramLighting:
Elanor Higgins