World renowned for its haunting tales, visual theatre, strange animated figures and dark humour, Faulty Optic presents the eccentric, droll and compassionate new production, Fish Clay Perspex. In this simple, small-scale, low technology piece, Faulty Optic manipulates puppets, miniature and armless pointy-footed figures, clay, lagging, pens and plastic. Fish Clay Perspex is a series of short character studies and incidences based upon chance, futility, expectation, doubt and the turmoil caused by the flailings and failings of the human mind. Highlights include falling beasts, battered clay, bendy legs, bad drawing, frantic scribbling and the comic scrabbling of a guileless duo. Escape normality, suspend your disbelief and enter the magical world of visual and surreal adult puppetry. Runs approx 80 mins/no interval.
Company: Faulty Optic