A tall tale of equine adventure! A puppet show for children and their families. age 5+ Set in a patchwork world of string, papier-m?ch? and toy tractors, The Tallest Horse on Earth is the story of Tim. Tim is a little boy. He is the proud owner of The Tallest Horse on Earth! or so he thinks... When Tim embarks on an adventure, he has only one trusty companion in mind. Together, Tim and his giant friend explore the countryside, meet lost children, sleep in the open, and have an epic adventure of small proportions. Will Tim learn to love the wild, will his horse ever be normal sized, and most importantly, will they be home in time for tea? A warm-hearted puppet show told with live music, shadow puppetry and a good dollop of giant smashing. Ideal for young and old, village or town.
Author(s): Callum Mitchell, Seamas Carey, Jim Carey
Company: Silly Boys Theatre
Director: Jim Carey
Other: Craig Johnson (puppet consultant)