Everyone who has any links with India will love the show because it is so much about Indians! it is a racy play that says a lot about India and the people who live there and hail from there. Through four stories and sixteen characters the play explores the contradictions, joy, humour, hope and aspirations that drive Indians today. The performance is mainly in English but there are scenes performed in Hindi.
Shena Gamat,
Ashish Paliwal,
Andrew Hoffland,
Lushin DubeyCreatives/Company
Nicholas Kharkongor (inspired by Pavan Varma's bestseller Being Indian)
Lushin DubeyMusic:
Louiz BanksChoreographer(s):
Ashley Lobo (original choreography),
Gaurav Verlani (current choreography),
Amit Verlani (current choreography)
Dolly Ahluwalia,
Kriti V Sharma (associate designer)
Martand KhoslaSound:
Sanjeev MauryaLighting:
Gyan DevProducer:
Sanjeev Maurya