A Desire to Kill...shows a side of France unknown to the holiday brochures; a hopeless underclass of directionless youth filling their days with drinking, shagging and fantasies of violence that sometimes become reality. Rou is the group's smart arse lad-about-town, bragging about his affair with a married woman to his mates Vic and Poupon outside yet another nightclub he is barred from. In this atmosphere of laddish competitiveness, on the night of a full moon, aggression flares up at the slightest insult, and Rou's swaggering finally inspire his 'friends' to stand up to him. The secret that comes to light unexpectedly pushes Poupon to the edge of sanity, with explosive results.
A Desire to Kill... is a revealing snapshot of dark, brutal world, where the only motivations are lust, desire and the search for gratification, until the mask of bravado is stripped away and the vision of loneliness it reveals becomes unbearable.
Xavier DurringerWhat's On By Year ...