Set in the 1980s, This is the story of Claire Greenwood and Jason Healy. Their love for their music is second only to their love for each other. Enter Max Wright, world renowned music promoter and entrepreneur. His interests lie in Claire, and in his own words "No solo artist is going to get their fans fantasising about them if they are attached. That s why their called solo artists! That s why they release singles! Jason s gotta go!" Will Max have his way with Claire? Will Claire achieve her dreams of fortune and fame? Will Jason be able to hold on to the love of his life? Find out by joining us on a musical journey, charting the highs and lows of our young heroes struggle to make it in the cut throat 80s music industry. Featuring 21 original tracks inspired by the era.
Dreams and Promises website.
Sherin Sahagian,
Darrin WilliamsonWhat's On By Year ...