Santa's Mixed-up Martian is the fourth show in the series written by Iain Lauchlan, creator of the Tweenies, and produced by Imagine Theatre. The show will once again feature Santa, Ellie and Rudolph but this year they will be joined by a visitor from outer space. A friendly multi-coloured mixed-up Martian who has made an emergency landing on Earth after he was blown off course by a solar wind just as he was nipping out in his space scooter to buy a Mars bar. As always there will be plenty of chances for children to join in with the action and sing along with their favourite songs. In fact, the children will have to help Santa and Ellie find a way to get their confused visitor back to his home planet of Mars. The show will also give children an opportunity to give their letter to Santa in person. Specially designed paper for the letter will be available on the day or can be downloaded from PLUS: As an added treat, children will get to meet Santa and receive a gift from him. This is included in the child price. Santa's Mixed-up Martian is an unmissable treat for all children up to the age of 6 years and will ensure that the festive season gets off to a sparkling and fun filled start.
Author: Iain LauchlanWhat's On By Year ...