The story revolves around Hal (Jack Black) who, taking his dying father's advice, dates only the embodiments of female physical perfection. But that all changes after Hal has an unexpected run-in with self-help guru Tony Robbins. Intrigued by Hal's shallowness, Robbins hypnotizes him into seeing the beauty that exists even in the least physically appealing women. Hal is smitten after meeting the obese and homely Rosemary, as he sees her kindness and humor translated into physical perfection (Gwyneth Paltrow). After Hal's equally shallow friend, Mauricio (Jason Alexander), undoes the hypnosis, Hal must face an unrecognizable Rosemary and make a fateful decision.
Gwyneth Paltrow,
Jack Black,
Jason AlexanderCreatives/Company
Peter Farrelly,
Bobby FarrellyAuthor(s):
Peter Farrelly,
Bobby Farrelly,
Sean MoynihanWhat's On By Year ...