Information for The Truth About Harry Beck at Various Locations across Inner London, Inner London (Play). The play about the London Tube Map. Yes, really - a play that uncovers the inner anorak in all of us with a whirlwind of facts about transport, modern history and navigating a new way forward. Harry Beck survives the unemployment of the 1930s by occasionally working at London Transport, where he finds a solution to a problem that no-one knows they have - a better design for a transport map. Yet - this beautiful design is not accepted with open arms... and so begins Beck's obsession with making it perfect. But perfection comes at what cost? Harry and Nora Beck take you through a wikipedic journey of real-life characters, seemingly unconnected facts and their own relationship with the iconic map. These performances take place at Cubic Theatre, London Transport Museum, London WC2E 7BB
Approximate runtime 1 hour 5 minutes.
Andy BurdenCompany:
Natural Theatre CompanyDirector:
Andy Burden